Emotional snakes and ladders

Experience the terrifying lows, the dizzying highs and the creamy middles of the (non-linear) path from childhood to adulthood

Duration: 15+ min
Number of players: 2 – 6
Material: boardgame
Link: https://www.twinflamecollections.com.au/products/the-school-of-life-emotional-snakes-ladders

Short description

The School of Life has taken Snakes and Ladders and turned it into a game about emotional life: the ladders represent all those moments when you learn how to be more of a grown-up, the snakes the times when you end up acting, against your better nature, like a tantrum-prone toddler.

Depending on where you land, you pick up cards that outline, with humor and wisdom, the ingredients of emotional maturity and ask you to share insights from your own life. As we play, we’re entertained, amusingly educated and subtly invited to continue to try to grow up with a goal that, as the game kindly implies, none of us ever quite master completely. (Source: https://www.twinflamecollections.com.au/products/the-school-of-life-emotional-snakes-ladders)

Educational Value

  • Talk about your emotional life.
  • Exchanging mistakes you made and insights you had.

Recommendation for use

This game needs to be played with a game master who monitors the conversation.

Image: https://www.twinflamecollections.com.au/products/the-school-of-life-emotional-snakes-ladders