
Communicate as a team, developing your own communication and tactics.

Duration: 30 min
Number of players: 4 – 9 (plays in teams)
Material: cards

Short description

The goal for each team is to get five cards from each color with the same symbol. Everyone starts with a hand of cards and on the table is a row with cards. Simultaneously every player can change a card from his/her hand with one from the table. 

When you have a combination of five the same cards, you have to give your teammate a secret sign. Only your teammate can announce that you have a winning hand by calling out: Sign! 

If someone on the other team catches you signing to each other, they say it out loud and they get the points.

Educational Value

  • Practicing executive functions.  
  • Communicate, responding to each other, working as a team.

Recommendation for use

Take time for preparation with the group. For example, the images on the cards look very similar, so it’s important to first let players take a close look at the symbols and the differences. The secret sign a team has to agree on has not to be too obvious for other teams to guess, so give a team time to think about it.

Because it’s a quick playing game, let players stand around the table. This game requires dynamism and action.

At last: take time afterwards to discuss the different approaches and strategies teams used: what did they agree on first, did individual players change their tactics?