Keep Cool

Duration: 90 min
Number of players: 3-6
Materials: Board game set

Play a state and keep the climate cool!

Short Description

In a game of KEEP COOL, three to six players represent groups of states such as Europe, OPEC or developing countries. For one to two hours, they can choose between “black” and “green” growth, but also adapt to unavoidable climate consequences such as droughts and floods. These increase in severity as the world temperature rises. In addition, lobby groups such as the oil industry or environmental associations must be taken into account. The winner will be the one who best reconciles climate protection and lobby interests. But if some act too ruthlessly, everyone loses.

Educational Value

  • Knowledge about the difficulties with climate change and developing a sustainable economic power
  • Knowledge about the difficulties with implementing sustainability Management

Recommendations for use

  • The game is good for people 12 years and older, especially for student classes

Tips and tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game gives good opportunities for further discussions and self-reflection about climate change and implementing sustainable policies 
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
What have I done so far in my everyday life to protect the environment?
Which management strategy worked best?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
Which sustainability standards were the easiest to implement?
What suggestions can you imagine incorporating into your everyday life?
Further discussion topics

  • Environment protection
  • Sustainable Management
  • Climate Change