4 Elements

Duration: 60+ min
Number of players: 4+ player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Game set “4 Elements”
Publisher: Baltic Regional fund/ 8KEYCOM project
Language: EN, LV, EE, ES, HR
Links: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/5/folders/16aRqXwbILv2AiqB38iruDr9y9-b–bZj

Short description

“Pitch” is a game that helps to develop a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, which is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. Game “Pitch” was developed during Erasmus+ strategic partnership project “Enterprising and Surprising through 8 Key Competences”.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

  • To understand the concept of sustainability.
  • To discover what daily actions affect more environmental change.
  • To understand the benefits of cooperation. 
  • To reflect about our daily attitudes-activities and how they affect the environment.

Recommendations for use

  • Each participant needs to choose one of the four elements and the goal of the game is to achieve the highest development of your element.
  • In order to discover more, there are many online films that can be seen about the environmental impact of humans on the planet. 
  • Each of the cards show a different situation (good or bad) for the planet. You can go through them and see if everyone understands them. Or start a debate about some of them. Some are more controversial and some are more easy.
  • Be creative and invent new games and rules with provided materials! 

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

Feedback questions

  • (Experience) What did you observe during the game (objective facts)? 
    What happened? Are the cards “real” in your city?
    • (Reflection) How did you feel? Did you “recognise” yourself in the different cards?
    • (Conceptualize) What can we learn out of it?
    • (Applying) How can we transfer it to our life? 
      What small actions can be done in our daily lives to protect the environment?

Further discussion topics

Personal goals and values

Lifelong learning 

Environment and climate change