Duration: 15 min
Number of players: 2-6 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Set of the game
Publisher: ADC Blackfire Entertainment
Language: All

A fast-paced card game that combines elements of dodgeball and matching, where players collect cards, earn points, and dodge flying foam burritos.

Short description/ Goal of the game:

The world’s first dodgeball card game. Collect cards. Play your hand. Throw things at your friends.

Throw Throw Burrito is what you get when you cross a card game with dodgeball. Try to collect matching sets of cards faster than your opponents while simultaneously ducking, dodging, and throwing squishy airborne burritos. The cards you collect earn points, but getting hit by flying burritos loses them. So clear some space and put away the antiques, because you’ve never played a card game quite like this before.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives:

  • Kinesthetic education
  • Party game
  • Work without language barrier

Recommendations for use: 

  • For teambuilding
  • To gain eye-hand coordination
  • As an icebreaker

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

  • Change throwing to more gentle movement. 

Feedback questions

  • What have you learned about yourself?
  • What were the key elements in the game in order to succeed?
  • What skills can you improve while playing this game?

Further discussion topics

  • How can we adapt it for people with disabilities?