Duration: 20 min
Number of players: 2-4 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Danza del huevo board game
Publisher: Habermaaß
Language: –
Links: http://upload.snakesandlattes.com/rules/d/DancingEggs.pdf

“Dancing Eggs” is a delightful and energetic board game that challenges players to balance and race with rubber eggs.

Short description/ Goal of the game:

“Dancing Eggs” is a delightful and energetic board game that challenges players to balance and race with rubber eggs. Each player has a rubber egg (representing a real egg) and a spoon, and the objective is to complete various fun challenges while keeping the egg on the spoon.

Players take turns drawing cards that dictate the challenge they must perform. These challenges can involve various physical activities, such as dancing, hopping, or even crawling under tables, all while trying not to drop their rubber egg. The catch is that players must hold the egg and spoon in unconventional ways dictated by the cards, making the game hilariously tricky.

The game encourages laughter and excitement as players try to complete the challenges without dropping their eggs. If a player’s egg falls, they may need to start the challenge over or face other penalties, adding an element of suspense and humor to the game.

“Dancing Eggs” is a fantastic choice for family gatherings, parties, or any occasion where you want to add some physical activity and amusement to your board gaming experience. It’s suitable for players of all ages and provides a unique and entertaining twist on traditional board games.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives:

  • learn the body parts
  • improve balance and physical strength

Recommendations for use: 

  • for families with children
  • people 5+ years old

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

  • use a spoon in order to balance the eggs on it , build a route to follow and complete

Feedback questions

  • What skills have you improved?
  • What have you learned during the game and about yourself as well?
  • What were the key elements in the game in order to succeed?
  • What other skills can you improve while playing this game?
  • What made the game challenging?
  • What did the game make you reflect about ?

Further discussion topics

  • What can have similar fragility and needs to be taken care carefully?