
Memory is memory training, concentration and nostalgia

Duration: from 5 min
Number of players: from 2 players / from 2 teams
Material: cards

Short description

In classic memory, you put all cards face down, first turn over a card and then turn over a second card. If both cards show exactly the same picture, you have a memory. 

Nowadays there are a lot of memory games where the two cards that make a pair don’t have the same picture, but are one way or the other a couple. For example a leaf and a tree, a bird standing and a bird in flight. Those memory games are for great use in adult education

Educational Value

  • Discussing – why are those two cards a pair?  
  • Concentration – do you remember which card you have to turn to make a pair.
  • Content knowledge if you have a memory applied to your subject, e.g. matching word types or formulas.

Recommendation for use

After a break in your training, make sure there are about 10 cards (note that they are sets) turned over for each group. You will see that the exuberant atmosphere of coffee turns into a concentrated silence in which the occasional whisper is still discussed.

You can use the memory cards I mentioned earlier for this, but you can also make your own game by using your own photos to make a specific memory. You can do this at various shops.

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