World conspiracy theories quartet (Weltverschwörungstheorien Quartett)

Duration: 45 min
Number of players: 3
Material: Card set

Nothing is as it seems…

Short Description

What do the New World Order, chemtrails and fake alien autopsies at Area 51 have in common? They are all conspiracy theories of dark forces pulling the strings in the history of mankind. Much speaks for it and the indications weigh partly heavily. Or is everything nevertheless only pure Spinnere? Clear is: Nothing is at is seems. Truth, lie and even hallucinations are often very close together. A quartet of 36 of the most legendary and infamous conspiracy theories for those who like to look behind the scenes. Because there are even creepy things to discover. Groups from among other things the following main topics are present: Striving for world domination, secret actions of governments and double crossing with agent theories. But also extraterrestrial activities, contract killings, as well as global frauds are part of the humorous, satirical, as well as exciting quartet. In addition, there are created pathogens, supernatural phenomena and hardly believable denial of facts.

Educational Value

  • Develop personal and professional skills –communication, strategy, reflection, learning about new perspectives, tolerance, diversity, critical thinking
  • Knowledge about Conspiracy theories

Recommendations for use

  • For people of all age
  • can be used as a support in a teaching unit with a focus on conspiracy theories

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game can be used as an icebreaker for a discussion with a focus on conspiracy theories and fake news
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
Which strategy worked best?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
How do you recognize fake news? 
What do I know about the importance of good journalism?
Did you experience the power of conspiracy theories?
Further discussion topics

  • Manipulation
  • Media
  • Journalism