Winds of Change

Duration: 60 min
Number of players: 2-4
Materials: Game set

Try and reduce Global warming – only then can you win!

Short Description

Each player develops a landscape in the one world. The game can only be won if the global warming of the earth can be limited and eventually reduced again. The winner is then who has developed the greatest sustainable economic power.

Educational Value

  • Knowledge about the difficulties with climate change and developing a sustainable economic power

Recommendations for use

The game is good for people 12 years and older

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game gives good opportunities for further discussions and self-reflection about climate change

Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
What have I done so far in my everyday life to protect the environment?
Which management strategy worked best?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
Which sustainability standards were the easiest to implement?
What suggestions can you imagine incorporating into your everyday life?
Further discussion topics

  • Environment Protection
  • Reducing CO2-Emissions
  • Sustainable Economy