Duration: 30+ min Number of players: 2+ player/s Materials/ Tools needed: Card set “HOWs cards” Publisher: BaltIc Regional fund and project partners Language: EN, LV, LT, HU, BG Links: https://projecthows.com/results/game |
Short description
“HOWs Cards” is a powerful tool for individuals and groups in organising Erasmus+ Youth in Action mobility activities. It’s offer you an easy-to-use card set, each depicting a thought-provoking image and situation. It also contains question(s) inviting the users to try out an out of the box thinking experience, problem solving options, strategic thinking and countless real experience situations in order to open up new possibilities for personal growth and learning in organising Erasmus+ projects.
Educational value/ Learning Objectives
“HOWs Cards” is a powerful tool for individuals and groups in organising Erasmus+ Youth in Action mobility activities. It is your best friend in learning as a newcomer.
Recommendations for use
The game is simple; each round one player asks a question and others (or themselves) need to come up with the best possible solution/s! Try to get the most points by coming up with the most creative and handful ideas that most suit the situation. And as an extra: you may look for more ideas on how to play further.
Tips and Tricks for Facilitators
How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs
The game can be played with and without a facilitator. It depends on the game aim and the target group. If in the group are newcomers in the Erasmus+ field/ non-formal education, it’s recommended to have a more experienced facilitator who can support learners and discuss topics from the situation cards. If the aim of the game is to share experience among trainers/ facilitators already with some experience, the game can be played without a facilitator.
Feedback questions
- Individual self-reflection
- What can I learn from this activity?
- Which card/ questions made me think the most?
- Pairs conversations
- Did you find some situations that surprised you? Which ones and why?
- Which questions were the most challenging? Why?
- Discussions in groups
- What competences can you develop through this game?
- How would they help you in a professional and personal life?
Further discussion topics
Lifelong learning
Project management
Active participation in local communities