
Duration: 30-60 min
Number of players:2
Materials: Board game set
Links: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/274364/watergate

Scandal, Politics and War – all in one game!

Short Description

In Watergate, one player assumes the role of a (Washington Post) Journalist, while the other embodies the Nixon Administration – each with a unique set of cards. To win, the Nixon Administration must build up enough momentum to make it to the end of the presidential term, whereas the Journalist must gather enough evidence to connect two informants directly to the President. Of course, the administration will do all in its power to smother any evidence.

Educational Value

  • Develop personal and professional skills –strategy, negotiation, cooperation, competition, power
  • Knowledge about Journalism and Politics

Recommendations for use

  • For people from 12 years

Tips and Tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: The game can be used as an icebreaker for a discussion with a focus on American Politics
Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
What do I know about American Politics?
Which negotiation strategy worked best?
What competences can you develop through this game? 
What do I know about the impact of journalism on politics?
Further discussion topics

  • Politics
  • Power
  • Media