Diversity Card Game

Duration: 15-20 min
Number of players: 6
Materials: 1 deck of cards and tape
Link: https://teentalk.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Diversity-Card-Game_TeenTalk-2012.pdf

Understand priviledge and discrimination better

Short Description:

The game imitates how discrimination and privilege feels like. Each person gets a card they do not know and are treated according to rank. People with the lower cards are treated worse, those with kings, for example, are treated better. At the end, everyone has to estimate which rank they have

Educational Value

  • Develop personal and professional skills –tolerance, empathy, communication, active listening
  • To discuss discrimination and privilege

Recommendation for use

  • Perfect for all age groups
  • Icebreaker

Tips and tricks

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs: Introduction for further discussions about discrimination and privilege

Feedback questions
What can I learn from this activity?
What privileges do I have?
Did you find some questions difficult to answer?
How did the J-K feel?
Do you think sometimes people think that they are a middle card, but are actually a high card?
What did you learn new about diversity?
How can these insights help you be more tolerant of others?
Does this activity reflect the real world at all?
Do you think the way you’re treated impacts your self-esteem?
Who is treated poorly? Who is treated well in society?
Why are some people treated badly in real life? Why are others treated like “royalty”?
What values does society try to impose on us?
Further discussion topics

  • Privilege
  • Prejudice
  • Discrimination