Once upon a time

Duration: 15+ min
Number of players: 2+ player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Card set “Once upon a time”
Publisher: Baltic Regional fund/ 8KEYCOM project
Language: EN, LV, EE, ES, HR
Links: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/5/folders/16aRqXwbILv2AiqB38iruDr9y9-b–bZj

Short description

“Once upon a time” – game set consists of 120 cards and in each card is shown one picture/ drawing. The game is designed to develop expression and communication through the storytelling activities.  Game “Once upon a time” were developed during Erasmus+ strategic partnership project “Enterprising and Surprising through 8 Key Competences”.

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

  • Develop conversation skills. 
  • Develop expression and communication skills.
  • Develop teamwork.
  • Be creative and innovative.
  • Develop the imagination of players.
  • Develop creation of links and finding of common features.

Recommendations for use

  • Every player gets 5 cards and puts them all on the table telling a story based on them at the same time.
  • The story telling starts from the person sitting left to the player who dealt the cards and continues clockwise.
  • The game lasts until all cards are used or when the game master decides it is time to finish.
  • During the debriefing some toys (like a speech ball) can be used as an auxiliary material.
  • Be creative! Make new rules of the game which are most appropriate for your needs! Good luck!

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

Cards can be used not only to develop storytelling skills but also practice languages, creativity etc.

Feedback questions

  • (Experience) What did you observe during the game (objective facts)?
    • What happened? Did you like the game? What was difficult in this game? Did you have good group work? What did you notice? Which were more difficult moments, what did you enjoy? What were they? Did you have a moment when you would have liked to turn the card (because of the colour combination), so you could continue telling your story? …..?
  • (Reflection) How did you feel when talking in a foreign language? Did
    • you feel it was complicated to express yourself in a foreign language?
    • …..?
  • (Conceptualise) What can we learn from it? What do you think, how important it is for people to understand each other? What did you learn yourself from this game? What did you learn together? How important is it to know foreign languages? Which new words did you learn during this game? …..?
  • (Applying) How can we transfer it to our lives? Which skills are you taking with you from this game to everyday life? (for example, the skill to be the group’s leader, notice etc.) …..?

Further discussion topics

Personal goals 


Lifelong learning