
Duration: 90-120+ min
Number of players: 2-10 player/s
Materials/ Tools needed: Game set “Flixa”
Publisher: Igrika
Language: EN, LV, RU, BY, LT, DE
Links: http://igrika.ru/index.php/games-2/flixa/flixa-classic-english-edition/?fbclid=IwAR26ea_H4eWeJNuuFPKT6N2AMxu5Gt-q7Ns6DlpRUAiPQgH597opYC3oBW8

Short description

“Flixa” – card game’s main goal is to multiply your start-up capital and earn more than other players in five game years by trading in the stock exchange, building a business or working in the real estate market.Game objective is to create, in five «game years», the greatest capital in assets and money on the account. One dealing of cards is considered to be one game per year. One conventional unit of game currency is accepted as money, call it as you like. Assets – are stocks, garages, rooms, offices, cottages, apartments, shopping centers and businesses (see item «Assets» of the Game Rules).

Educational value/ Learning Objectives

  • To develop entrepreneurial skills and attitude
  • To develop communication, presentation, and argumentation skills
  • To develop forward thinking and other important competencies for personal and professional life.

Recommendations for use

  • Before the start of the game, all participants are issued a start-up capital in accordance with the chosen difficulty mode of the game. This is the money that players have accumulated over the previous year economizing their wages, as a financially literate person should do. The players will invest this money in various assets in order to increase capital. The player puts down the issued amount in the form field «Money». The same amount is subsequently issued to players before the beginning of each following game year.
  • The game includes 4 types of unprofitable «penny» shares – B1, B2, B3, B4 and EU bonds, yielding a small income. The real estate market is represented by six types of assets from land to shopping centers. The prices for these assets are constantly changing in the game as the game cards are opened on the table, which makes it possible to earn not only on a rental payment, but also on the market price spread. There is an opportunity to create and develop your business from one stand to the whole network and sell it to an angel investor in the game.
  • The game lasts from 3 to 10 game years. One game year is one deal of game cards on a table. After the cards are opened, the year ends. At the end of the year, the players calculate the profit from assets and increase capital. The winner is the one who formed the maximal capital.

Tips and Tricks for Facilitators 

How to adapt game for different groups, topics, occasions/needs

Feedback questions

  • Individual self-reflection
    • What can I learn from this activity? 
    • How can I connect it with my life?
  • Pairs conversations
    • What was the most challenging?  Why?
    • What did you enjoy the most?
  • Discussions in groups
    • What competences can you develop through this game? űHow would they help you in a professional and personal life?

Further discussion topics

Personal development

Lifelong learning